Wednesday 14 January 2009

Welcome the The Friends of Bedfords Park Blog.

Our Next Workday

We are planning a work day for sunday 15th February. We need to clear a ditch by the Damselfly Pond and the EWT car park could do with a bit of a tidy up. Anyone interested - 10 am in the visitors' centre sunday 15th Feb. Hope to see you then.

The next work day is SUNDAY 8th MARCH 2009.

STOP PRESS! A wild flower walk will be held on EASTER SUNDAY to discover the wonderful world of wild flowers beneath our feet! More details to follow.

Saturday 10 January 2009

January 2009 Work Party

The Friends group met on Sunday 11th January. We cleared the two paths between the main car park and the 'round pond'.
Some of us also met with a representative of the Havering Parks Department on Monday 12th January pm and had an interesting walk around the park. This will enable us to draw up a list of work/projects to be carried out within the park. Some of these will require materials such as wood/woodchip/gravel. The woodchip should be available from within the park. The council will probably be able to provide the gravel. Getting suitable wood for the repair of the dipping platform, and for making steps on the newly made path down to the 'hidden ponds' at the southern end of the park seems unlikely ! Any ideas where we can get suitable wood for these jobs ? Bear in mind that we don't want to pay for it!