Thursday 5 August 2010

Butterfly list for Bedfords Park

Below are details of butterflies spotted in Bedfords Park - a really good number. All have been spotted by one of our members. Another reason for looking after our parks !

A female Silver-washed Fritillary was seen nectaring on Buddleia flowers near the Visitor Centre on 3rd August; a welcome addition to the list of butterflies recorded in the park. (A total of 26 species since 2003 - the EWT years).
Bedfords Park LNR butterfly list 2003 - 2010:
Small Skipper
Essex Skipper
Large Skipper
Clouded Yellow
Small White
Large White
Green-veined White
Orange Tip
Purple Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak
Small Copper
Brown Argus
Common Blue
Holly Blue
Red Admiral
Painted Lady
Small Tortoiseshell
Silver-washed Fritillary
Speckled Wood
Meadow Brown
Small Heath
(No records of Wall Brown since the 1990's)