Friday 8 August 2014

What's been going on in Bedfords Park

Many apologies for the lack of information over the past few months. No excuse !!

Recent work parties have continued to litter pick, clear ditches, remove fallen trees from main track south of the visitors' centre and ditch. Repair fencing to the west of the main pond. We cleared the path in the south of the park that we built some years ago as this had become overgrown with brambles, nettles and a couple of fallen trees also had to be cleared. New steps were built to the north west of the main pond as the slope had become very slippery.

We had a cake stall at EWT's  (Essex Wildlife Trust) Easter Event which raised money for our funds.

We have also helped out at EWT's  11th birthday event in the park and we also had a tombola and cake sale which raised more money for our funds. In case you're getting the idea that we are making loads of money we ought to point out that most of the money raised goes towards out annual insurance that we have to take out as part of our agreement with the council when we became an approved 'friends group'.

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